IDEA Teams

The first pillar of the Catalyzing Inclusive STEM Experience All Year Round (CISTEME365) project is to equip Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) Teams from each participating school with strategies and resources to promote their students’ interest in, pathway towards, and technical ability to pursue a career in STEM.

Each school IDEA Team is made up of at least 1 counselor or academic advisor and at least 1 teacher with an interest in improving school support systems for encouraging diverse youth to pursue STEM majors. Participating IDEA Team members receive professional development training and resources through a summer institute and ongoing Network Improvement Community (NIC) sessions.

IDEA Team Schools

2019-2020 (Cohort 1)

Cohort 1 (2019-20)

2020-21 (Cohort 2)

Cohort 2 (2020-21)

2021-22 (Cohort 3)

Cohort 3 (2021-22)

2022-23 (Cohort 4)

Cohort 4 (2022-23)
Cohort 4 (2022-23)

2023-24 (Cohort 5)

Cohort 5 (2023-24)