The 2nd pillar of the Catalyzing Inclusive STEM Experience All Year Round (CISTEME365) project is to work with the participating schools and IDEA Teams to develop, launch, and sustain after-school, weekend, and/or lunchtime STEM clubs for students during the school year.
During the summer professional development, participating IDEA Teams learn about a curriculum that introduces engineering concepts to students through authentic, hands-on projects and activities. IDEA Teams then launch a STEM club at their school and implement this curriculum and other relevant content (approximately 2-4 hours/week during the school year). The CISTEME365 grant contributes some funds for related, multi-purpose lab equipment and materials as well as flexible funding. IDEA Teams are further supported throughout this implementation process by the engineering curriculum developers.
STEM Club Resources
- Public access to College & Career Readiness Series
- A Project-Based Exploration of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- This page includes supplemental learning materials for the textbook, including video playlists, materials lists, and printouts.