How to Apply

CISTEME365 built on project foundations to level up efforts to encourage women, Black and Latina/o youth, and low-income, or otherwise traditionally underrepresented populations to stick with and excel in math, science, and engineering. 

No applications or schedules are available at this time for future cohorts.

Who is eligible

The program will be open to new and returning CISTEME365 participants and teams.

You must sign up as a team of 2-3 teachers, college/career counselors, or administrators. This year’s curriculum is focused on middle and high school.

What you’ll do

4 teachers holding up their quantum day poster
Teachers displaying their World Quantum Day 2024 Poster
  • Form an IDEAS (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access in STEM) Team with 1-2 other educators from your school or organization
  • Participate in a variety of professional development activities:
    • Collaborate with a Networked Improvement Community (NIC). IDEA Teams collaborate as feedback partners and co-learners.
    • Complete an Action Research project (AREP) to apply and study CISTEME365 content and strategies in your STEM Clubs.
  • Enhance (or start) your STEM club and provide unique learning opportunities for your students. Incorporate best practices for equity and inclusion.
  • Share your lessons learned with a broader public audience through conference presentation(s) and publication(s).


  • Receive Professional Development Hours
  • Travel and housing are included for in-person events.
  • Personal stipend for completing all program requirements and deliverables.
  • New districts/schools receive STEM Club supplies and flex funding.
  • Access to scholarships for the University of Illinois STEM summer camps for your students
  • Build and strengthen a network of like-minded collaborators.
  • Establish an ongoing relationship with the University of Illinois Grainger College of Engineering. As other grants come along or opportunities for cutting-edge STEM connections, we aim to remain connected and in communication. We are committed to broadening participation in STEM, and we believe that establishing this network is just the first step in developing ongoing partnerships.

Cohort timeline

A student and teacher doing a quantum science activity in a school lab.
A student and teacher doing a quantum science activity in a school lab.
  • TBD

Learn more about the project

Introduction to the first three years:

Questions? Contact the CISTEME365 Team